Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Pediatric Dentistry

The dentist office can be a scary place for kids. The big ‘tippy’ chair, scary high-pitched sounds, the bright overhead light; these are very different from the softly rounded world of modern toddlers. However, it’s important and necessary that we examine your child’s teeth as they develop.


So how can we make children as young as 10 to 12 months comfortable and still provide a proper dental exam?

It’s simple, we use a technique called a lap exam. A lap exam is a way to reassuringly hold your toddler while also providing a perfect platform for baby’s first dental exams.

To perform a lap exam, your child sits facing you in your lap. You lean your child back toward me so that your youngster is safely lying in both our laps. Maintaining eye contact with you will help keep your toddler calm. After the child is reclined and relaxed, it takes only a quick look in the mouth for me to determine how your child’s oral features are developing and the condition of any erupted teeth. Afterwards, your child sits up back into your lap while we discuss things like brushing, flossing, pacifiers, thumb sucking and nutrition.lap

At McLeod Dental Care, if we see anything worth noting while doing the lap exam, we discuss it fully with you.

When we’re done, our young patient gets to choose gifts like a toothbrush and a toy to take home. For a successful exam, it’s important for you and your child to feel comfortable and safe. That way, we can offer you the best dental care possible and keep your child’s teeth healthy for a lifetime.