Thursday, 30 January 2014


Cancer prevention is one of the most important things you can do to maintain your health and well-being. We are bombarded with reminders against breast cancer, skin cancer and prostate cancer but what about oral cancer? Oral cancer rates are on the rise among women and non-smokers. Just like every other kind of cancer, there are things that you can do (or not do) to take an active role in preventing oral cancers.
Help prevent oral cancers of all kinds by taking the following precautions:
Keep your mouth healthy – Brush, floss and rinse to keep from developing decay and gum disease.
See your dentist on a regular basis – Part of the regular hygiene appointment includes a cancer check. We check your tongue, floor, roof and inner cheek for early warning signs.

Perform a self-check – Along with the other self-exams for cancer, include your mouth. Check under your tongue and inside your mouth for lumps, bumps, painful patches, red, white or gray patches or anything that doesn’t look, feel or taste right.
Avoid tobacco products – Tobacco product use, even casual use, can increase your chances of developing cancer in the mouth, tongue and throat.
Use sunscreen – When applying sun protection, don’t forget your lips. There are a wide variety of lip balms including SPF protection. Use them under your lipstick or try a tinted formula to replace your lipstick.
Choose cancer-fighting foods – Some foods offer phytochemicals and nutrients that help your body defend against cancer-causing agents. Pepper your diet with cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts), blue berries, garlic, green tea and dark leafy green vegetables.
Limit your intake of alcohol – Excessive alcohol consumption can increase your risk of developing oral cancer.
Exercise – It’s just logical that staying healthy, keeps you healthy. Exercise boosts your immune system and helps you fight against cancer causing agents.
Supplement with antioxidants – It can be hard to eat all of your necessary nutrients so add some antioxidant supplements such as vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme Q 10 and beta-carotene to protect your cells.
Protecting yourself against oral cancer is another important part of your dental routine. If you find any questionable spots in your mouth or just have questions about best practices, give us a call today. 

Thursday, 23 January 2014


Baby teeth, sometimes known as milk teeth, are made to be discarded. They are tiny bony souvenirs for the tooth fairy and nothing more. So, this means that they don’t require the same care as secondary teeth, right? Just because those milk teeth aren't meant to last forever doesn't mean that they don’t need to be cared for.
Their first job is to serve as a place holder for the teeth that will be coming later. Baby teeth provide a guide for the larger permanent tooth to keep it straight until all of the new teeth are emerged. Because of this, it’s important to keep primary teeth healthy so that they don’t need to be removed before they are ready. If decay makes it necessary for a baby tooth to be removed early, a spacer can be employed to keep the neighbouring teeth from shifting.
Additionally, baby teeth are just as susceptible to cavities as adult teeth. Having untreated cavities can interfere with eating, speaking and the ability to sleep and concentrate. Being in pain can adversely affect important developmental milestones.
Baby teeth may be temporary but your gums are meant to last a lifetime. Neglecting to properly care for baby teeth can lead to gum disease and inflammation. Unchecked infection can erode the jawbone beneath, causing more serious problems.
Just as you would with adult teeth, schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings even before the first tooth emerges. This can help build a healthy foundation for teeth and gums throughout the lifetime of your child.

Don’t ignore decay just because it may not be painful to the child. All decay is bad and must be eradicated immediately. If you have not scheduled your child’s first dental appointment, give us a call today

Thursday, 9 January 2014


Sure – snoring is annoying, but can it actually be deadly?

No – this does not mean being strangled in the middle of the night by a severely annoyed spouse or partner, as tempting as that may be! But the fact is, snoring is often related to sleep apnea, a condition where the body is deprived of oxygen during a night of heavy zzzzz’s.

One obvious problem this causes is being tired during the day, contributing to automobile and workplace accidents.  But even worse, sleep apnea, which is experienced by 30 million Americans, has been scientifically linked to obesity, high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks and diabetes.  So if that low rumbling sound that keeps the entire neighbourhood awake isn’t enough, now there is much more reason for concern.

But wait – it actually gets worse.  A study performed at The University of Wisconsin School Of Medicine has just shown a significant link between sleep apnea and cancer, showing this condition increases the risk of cancer death by almost a factor of five! “This is really big news,” said Dr. Joseph Golish, a professor of sleep medicine with the MetroHealth System in Cleveland.  “It’s the first time this has been shown, and it looks like a very solid association,” he said.

There is no doubt that the snoring can be much more serious than just a night time disturbance.  So what can you do if you or a loved one may suffer from sleep apnea?

Fortunately, there are many ways to have this condition treated, all the way from simple dental appliances, to surgery, to wearing night time contraptions that make you look (and sound) like Darth Vader!  Your dentist and physician can recommend the appropriate treatment for you.

At McLeod Dental Care, we would be glad to take a look and discuss your snoring issues or any other dental questions you may have.  Just give us a call at 905-357-4995 and we will get you in right away!

Let’s make tonight a quiet one!!

Thursday, 2 January 2014