Wednesday, 26 September 2012

White After Labour Day?

Wear white after Labor Day? Of course! Especially when it comes to your smile. A beautiful white smile can give you confidence and make you more apt to smile. Increase your ‘face value’ with a clinical tooth whitening treatment.

Having a beautiful white smile doesn’t happen on its own. Many factors, including healthy juices and berries, wines and some medications, can stain and darken your teeth. Some not-so-healthy factors such as smoking and using other tobacco products can also make teeth yellow and dingy. Unfortunately, those stains don’t go away when you quit smoking or switch to apple juice. Once those stains creep in, you’ll need a little help to get rid of them.

There are plenty of over-the-counter whitening treatments that can help you brighten your teeth marginally but for serious whitening, we recommend an in-patient whitening*.

A high-concentration whitening can be done in the office, usually in less than an hour. With proper care and avoidance of staining agents, an in-office dental whitening can be easy, inexpensive and long-lasting.

Still have questions about dental whitening? Call us today and we can discuss your options for a brighter smile.

*Note: Children under the age of 16 should avoid whitening in order to protect the developing pulp from being damaged.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Healthy Fat for Healthy Gums

Not all fats are created equally. During the ‘low-fat diet’ craze, the existence of healthy fat has been largely ignored. However, healthy fats are just that….healthy! These “good” fats have many helpful benefits for your body, your well-being and your dental health.

Ongoing research is showing that foods containing polyunsaturated fats may have the ability to not only treat, but also slow periodontitis’ progress. Periodontitis (advanced gum disease) is a chronic, bacterial infection that results in tooth and bone loss as well as inflammation contributing to arterial plaque buildup. Cold Water Fish

How can fat fight gum disease? Polyunsaturated, or “good” fats, fight inflammation. Periodontitis and other conditions associated with inflammation, such as strokes or perhaps even diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis could be slowed, treated and even reversed by these anti-inflammatory foods.

So, which fats are the “good” fats? Polyunsaturated (and monounsaturated) fats are everywhere. Add “good” fat in the form of cold water fish like salmon, trout, mackerel and herring. Include seeds and nuts like flax, sunflower, walnuts and almonds. Also, oils such as olive, coconut, safflower, soy and sunflower oils. Last but not least, don’t forget those strange fruits avocado and olives.

Study participants who had periodontitis and who ate a balanced amount of polyunsaturated fats had significant reductions in periodontitis.

Luckily, you don’t need to eat massive amounts of “good” fat to get the maximum results. While your body needs some fat to maintain its health, eating a balanced diet overall is a health benefit all its own.

If you have periodontitis, continued dental treatment and a balanced diet including “good” fats can help your teeth and gums to be their healthiest. 

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Fluoride By the Numbers

We all know that fluoride is important in guarding young teeth against tooth decay, but how do you know if your child is getting enough fluoride?

The American Dental Association (ADA) states that children over six years old need to have 1,000 parts per million (ppm) fluoride every day. By law, children’s fluoride toothpaste must contain at least 1,000 ppm fluoride, and the ADA label assures the toothpaste complies with the law.

Besides toothpaste, fluoride is found in most tap water, fruit juices and milk. While there are multiple delivery systems available for additional fluoride, topical application is the best way to prevent tooth decay.

If your water supply does not contain fluoride, we can discuss other means of getting fluoride, if necessary, such as applying a fluoride gel, foam, rinse or varnish to your child’s teeth.

You should schedule two dental hygiene check-ups each year. It’s important that we protect those precious, developing teeth from tooth decay.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

That Movie Star Smile!

Hollywood... we've all seen that movie – the one where the movie’s heroine removes her glasses and shakes out her ponytail to reveal the hidden movie star within. What if it were that easy to transform your less-than-stellar teeth into a movie star smile?

Polishing an imperfect smile can be achieved in a lot of ways. However, there are some conditions that require a more permanent solution – a Hollywood smile makeover.

Like our dowdy heroine, your teeth and gums may be perfectly healthy but unglamorous. Misshapen teeth, short teeth or discolored teeth can be transformed into a beautiful white smile with the help of veneers. A veneer is a thin porcelain shell, crafted in a natural white shade that covers the front of a tooth. The porcelain reacts to light the same way real teeth do, giving them a healthy realistic look.

When applying veneers, lasers can also be used to trim back the gums to make your teeth appear longer and to give your gums a lovely contour to match your new alluring teeth.

Misshapen, discolored teeth can be replaced by dazzling white restoration materials. It’s time to get ready for your close-up and let us design a beautiful smile makeover just for you.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Pediatric Dentistry

The dentist office can be a scary place for kids. The big ‘tippy’ chair, scary high-pitched sounds, the bright overhead light; these are very different from the softly rounded world of modern toddlers. However, it’s important and necessary that we examine your child’s teeth as they develop.


So how can we make children as young as 10 to 12 months comfortable and still provide a proper dental exam?

It’s simple, we use a technique called a lap exam. A lap exam is a way to reassuringly hold your toddler while also providing a perfect platform for baby’s first dental exams.

To perform a lap exam, your child sits facing you in your lap. You lean your child back toward me so that your youngster is safely lying in both our laps. Maintaining eye contact with you will help keep your toddler calm. After the child is reclined and relaxed, it takes only a quick look in the mouth for me to determine how your child’s oral features are developing and the condition of any erupted teeth. Afterwards, your child sits up back into your lap while we discuss things like brushing, flossing, pacifiers, thumb sucking and nutrition.lap

At McLeod Dental Care, if we see anything worth noting while doing the lap exam, we discuss it fully with you.

When we’re done, our young patient gets to choose gifts like a toothbrush and a toy to take home. For a successful exam, it’s important for you and your child to feel comfortable and safe. That way, we can offer you the best dental care possible and keep your child’s teeth healthy for a lifetime.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The MDC Vision

In the fast pace of our day-to-day lives, in which changes seems constant, it is grounding to reflect on things that do stand the test of time...and most importantly, why. 

I had a conversation a short while ago about the longevity of Group Dental Practices, and to my pleasant surprise I was told that McLeod Dental Care, which has been in existence for over 30 years, is one of the oldest, original group practices in North America!!

The conversation quickly moved into a discussion about the success of our group, and what makes MDC tick! We really do live our mission statement everyda:

To Continually Enhance the Lives of Our Patients, Staff and Community as One
Our primary focus has always been on providing great service and treatment to our patients. We continually embrace the change in technology and practice growth that ultimately follow.

We do what we love, we love what we do, and we happily accept the rewards that follow. Visit to find out more about becoming a member of our "MDC" Family!

To Continually Enhance the Lives of Our Patients, Staff and Community as One

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

MDC Dentists Participate in Ride to Conquer Cancer

Dr. Joe Rogers (left) and Dr. Ernie Philpott (right) of McLeod Dental Care.

At McLeod Dental Care, community involvement runs wide and deep! We pride ourselves not only in providing in office services second-to-none, and a commitment to the community outside the office as well.

We are wishing Drs. Joe Rogers and Ernie Philpott "happy trails" as they once again ride their bicycles in the annual Ride to Conquer Cancer. Over June 9-10th, some 4500 cyclists will ride between 200 km to 200 miles from Toronto to Niagara Falls. Joe and Ernie will again carry the blessing and financial aid of their team at McLeod Dental.

Donations can be done on line or we can assist you in office should that be more convenient.  No amount is too small as together we can make a difference.

All patients and friends of Joe and Ernie who have donated to this ride will have their names placed in a draw for an Oral B Series 5000 Smart Series electric toothbrush...value $100+. We will draw the winner of this gift on June 11th.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Spring Has Sprung!

The 1st day of spring is otherwise known as "Vernal Equinox" vernal meaning "spring" and equinox meaning "equal night", this is when the sun crosses directly over Earth's equator in the northern hemisphere, it is the indicator of changing seasons. This year on March 20th we enjoyed record breaking temperatures.  Time to smell the roses!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

McLeod Dental Cares Day

Mark your calendars for Saturday May 5th, 2012 for free dentistry for our community.

This will be our 4th year running this event.  McLeod Dental Care is committed to helping as many people as possible on this day to give back to the community and promote good oral healthcare. 

We offer up free cleanings, fillings and extractions with our dedicated caring staff of 5 Doctors and over 40 clinical/hygienists donating their time.

We are providing this at our two locations, 6015 McLeod Road and 3486 Portage Road, Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Registration from 7AM-8AM

Dental Care from 8AM-1PM

Remember to "Smile" it's free!