Ongoing research is showing that foods containing polyunsaturated fats may have the ability to not only treat, but also slow periodontitis’ progress. Periodontitis (advanced gum disease) is a chronic, bacterial infection that results in tooth and bone loss as well as inflammation contributing to arterial plaque buildup. Cold Water Fish
How can fat fight gum disease? Polyunsaturated, or “good” fats, fight inflammation. Periodontitis and other conditions associated with inflammation, such as strokes or perhaps even diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis could be slowed, treated and even reversed by these anti-inflammatory foods.
So, which fats are the “good” fats? Polyunsaturated (and monounsaturated) fats are everywhere. Add “good” fat in the form of cold water fish like salmon, trout, mackerel and herring. Include seeds and nuts like flax, sunflower, walnuts and almonds. Also, oils such as olive, coconut, safflower, soy and sunflower oils. Last but not least, don’t forget those strange fruits avocado and olives.
Study participants who had periodontitis and who ate a balanced amount of polyunsaturated fats had significant reductions in periodontitis.
Luckily, you don’t need to eat massive amounts of “good” fat to get the maximum results. While your body needs some fat to maintain its health, eating a balanced diet overall is a health benefit all its own.
If you have periodontitis, continued dental treatment and a balanced diet including “good” fats can help your teeth and gums to be their healthiest.
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