Tuesday 10 July 2012

That Movie Star Smile!

Hollywood... we've all seen that movie – the one where the movie’s heroine removes her glasses and shakes out her ponytail to reveal the hidden movie star within. What if it were that easy to transform your less-than-stellar teeth into a movie star smile?

Polishing an imperfect smile can be achieved in a lot of ways. However, there are some conditions that require a more permanent solution – a Hollywood smile makeover.

Like our dowdy heroine, your teeth and gums may be perfectly healthy but unglamorous. Misshapen teeth, short teeth or discolored teeth can be transformed into a beautiful white smile with the help of veneers. A veneer is a thin porcelain shell, crafted in a natural white shade that covers the front of a tooth. The porcelain reacts to light the same way real teeth do, giving them a healthy realistic look.

When applying veneers, lasers can also be used to trim back the gums to make your teeth appear longer and to give your gums a lovely contour to match your new alluring teeth.

Misshapen, discolored teeth can be replaced by dazzling white restoration materials. It’s time to get ready for your close-up and let us design a beautiful smile makeover just for you.