Thursday 29 August 2013


Hidden tooth decay is the number one preventable, chronic childhood disease. But unlike most childhood diseases, a cavity-riddled smile can cause embarrassment, chronic discomfort and damaged self-esteem.

Teens or young adults that have decayed teeth, oral infection and foul breath might be ridiculed and shunned by peers at the time in their lives when social acceptance can seem like the most important thing in the world. If nothing else, a teen with an unhealthy mouth is less apt to smile.

 A lack of self-esteem can lead teens to worsen dental issues by eating an unhealthy diet and having poor oral hygiene. Many teen's diets consist mainly of sugary, carbohydrate-rich foods and beverages. Besides unhealthy snacking, some teens drink multiple cans of sodas, sports/energy drinks and/or sugary coffee drinks all day every day. Oral bacteria convert these sugars into acids that leech the calcium and phosphorous out of the teeth and lead to tooth decay.Happy

 When the teen’s teeth and mouth show signs of lack of care, such as bad breath and cavities, the teen’s self-esteem sinks even lower. It’s a vicious cycle.

We encourage parents to not only seek help for their struggling teenager, but to step up their teen’s dental visits. We may need to see your teen more than the typical two hygiene exams each year so that we can closely monitor any changes in the teen’s mouth and take immediate preventative measures. Working together we can give your teenager a healthy, beautiful smile to show off a dynamic, confident new attitude.

Thursday 22 August 2013


The myth of the rugged he-man ‘washing’ his face with a handful of gravel is fading into obscurity. Nowadays, men enjoy a lot of the same self-care products that women do. Modern men use hair styling products, gentle soaps, moisturisers and balms to keep their skin, hair and nails healthy and attractive. There’s nothing especially masculine about neglecting your health or appearance…especially when it comes to your oral health.
Taking good care of your oral hygiene isn’t just about appearance but it is integral to maintaining your overall good health. Without strong healthy teeth and gums, getting proper nutrition can become a challenge and that can affect every part of your well-being  Poor nutrition can lead to hair loss, sallow skin, lack of energy and even serious health problems.
In addition to maintaining good oral habits and regular dental visits, enhancing your appearance with an in-office whitening will help to further upgrade your appearance. A safe and professionally administered whitening can elevate your smile from good to dazzling.
Statistics show that people who have good teeth smile more and appear more confident. Considering having any crooked or misshapen teeth corrected with beautiful natural-looking porcelain veneers. Having a confident and well-groomed appearance can only be of benefit to you in your life and work.

Proper grooming isn't about vanity. It’s about keeping your entire body healthy and in good shape. Maintaining your health through good nutrition and proper care can enhance your quality of life. If your smile needs some TLC, give us a call today.

Thursday 8 August 2013


When it comes to services, quicker is better. We use one-hour photos, one-hour eyeglasses and now you can have one-hour immediate load implants. As busy as you are, finding an hour to improve your smile, strengthen your bite and protect your teeth from shifting is time well-spent.implant

An implant is a metal post that is surgically placed into your jawbone to replace a tooth’s root. This allows you to replace a missing tooth after the root is gone.

There are differences between an implant, immediate implant, and immediate load implant. A traditional implant takes several months for the bone to regenerate and fuse to the implant. During that healing time, we surgically expose the top of the implant post and attach an extension. Afterwards, there is a series of appointments to create and place the permanent crown onto the extension. The immediate implant procedure is pretty much the same, except that the extension is put on the post when the implant is placed. After several months have passed and the bone has regenerated, the extension is surgically uncovered, followed by a series of appointments to make the final tooth. Then, the permanent crown is attached. Both the immediate implant and the implant use a more time-consuming bone-grafting process to stabilize the implant. The immediate load implant is similar to an expansion anchor used to hang a heavy picture on your wall. The anchor sleeve flares outward when the screw is inserted into it. The immediate load implant sleeve flares towards the side of the tooth socket, and the temporary tooth is attached. No additional surgery is necessary.

While all three implants will serve the purpose of replacing a tooth, neither the implant nor immediate implant is functional when you leave the office. The immediate load implant is fully-functional as soon as it is placed into your jawbone and only takes one-hour to implant. Talk about a time-saver!